Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Day

So it's been another day in high school life. Had a test today and I feel I did really well. It was for history and we had to write a paper on, What change the world during the course of what we learned this semester.... OH geez it's already been a semester! Dang school goes by fast. That's good. Anyway, I also work on a poem today, it's a description about how my OC The Goddess looks. She was really hard to describe as I have no idea what she looks like. It's more of a personal idea. I'm looking for an idea to draw which is turning out to be a real challenge. I just can't seem to come up with an idea in my range of artistic skill.

I also found out about the worst thing today. You can read about it hear. It saddens me to hear about it. So go and support it, I'll post a link to a facebook group on it soon.

So I got back from youth group not to long ago and it was really interesting. We talked about guarding your heart and turning from evil. They are different things but work together. It's an interesting lesson. I plan to start blogging about the Youth Group lessons every Wednesday to let you guess know what I'm learning about and can learn about it yourselves. Well that's enough for tonight. Blog you later! ~.0

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