Friday, January 22, 2010

Finished the semester and a picture!

Yes finally first semester over, just one more to go. It's been a good half year of school and I plan to do better. Of course. I'm leaving one of my teachers and moving on unfortunately, he was a good teacher and I really liked him. But I must move on! I spent some time today on a picture I was commissioned to make from my mother. It was to draw a Seraph. I believe I spoke of it yesterday. Well if you look above you can see the sketch. I really hope you all like it and give me some feed back if you can. It's easy to make changes now.

I went to a play tonight. Which was awesome! It was completely funny. I find I enjoy plans a lot. But they have to have humor in them. If not then I'm not to into it. *shrug* I still like them though. I just wish I could get this certain person to join me.

We're having this awesome Christian band coming to town soon and I just can't wait to rock out to their music! My mother is taking me, I hope (hint hint).

That's enough for tonight. Blog you later.

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