Friday, June 4, 2010

Long time break, Summer soon!

I'm going to update since I'm long over due >
Anyway, lots has been going on as of late, with school and summer just one week away. I'm ready for summer to hit! It means break time, time to write, and a job, which means CASH! ^^ But that's not really what I'm after, I'm more for the work experience.
So life for me has been going well, my imagination has just been rolling of the chain. I've been getting a lot of good ideas and I just am having trouble nailing the one I want to write about. When I think I finally got it, a new idea pops into my mind. So what I think I'm going to do is hold on from writing my story but keeping track of the ones I come up with, sit on all the ideas, and pick the one that interest me the most. Right now I have three pretty good ideas I want to work off. One involves characters from different fairy tales, another is about a world in a human cause Apocalypse, and the last one that I have come up with in the last week is about knights of the future. Gah my mind is a weird place, I'd invite you in, but I'm afraid of losing you in there!
Well that's about it for the update, I'll blog you later!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meeting Old Friends

He is technically old but he sure is young at heart. I met up with an old memory friend of mine today and me and my family sat and ate dinner with him. It was a nice long meeting over ever so random stuff. We got the up and up in each others lives and so forth. It was nice to talk to him again. He's a good friend.
Well that's really all that happened today, well that and the new semester but that is nothing to meeting with my good old friend.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Losing a friend is never easy. It's a hard thing to go through no matter how many times it's done. I lost one of my closest friends today. We've been friends since the 8th grade. I even had a crush on her for a while now. I told her too. She declined but stayed my friend. Things just never got better though. Our friendship hardened and she took everything as a step to try to ask her out or gain her love. I never meant to push it, but it seems I did in her eyes. Shes gone from me now, and all I can do now, is look back at the mistakes.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A nice argument on a weekend.

Yeah a friend of mine and I didn't get along well today. We fought a bit and well things didn't turn out well. I really don't want to write much about it. I did though write a poem today. It kinda gives off my feelings.
Blog you later.
Please sing to me bird
Sing your sweet song
Teach me your ways
Of hope and your love
I know you know more
For you life is stronger
You fly though the sky
And never wonder
Teach me oh teach me
Your sweet lovely voice
I want to hear it
I want to enjoy
I can't set you free
But if free you must go
Make your choice
Just never let me go

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finished the semester and a picture!

Yes finally first semester over, just one more to go. It's been a good half year of school and I plan to do better. Of course. I'm leaving one of my teachers and moving on unfortunately, he was a good teacher and I really liked him. But I must move on! I spent some time today on a picture I was commissioned to make from my mother. It was to draw a Seraph. I believe I spoke of it yesterday. Well if you look above you can see the sketch. I really hope you all like it and give me some feed back if you can. It's easy to make changes now.

I went to a play tonight. Which was awesome! It was completely funny. I find I enjoy plans a lot. But they have to have humor in them. If not then I'm not to into it. *shrug* I still like them though. I just wish I could get this certain person to join me.

We're having this awesome Christian band coming to town soon and I just can't wait to rock out to their music! My mother is taking me, I hope (hint hint).

That's enough for tonight. Blog you later.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Semester is almost over!

Yes! It is finally almost done! We are just about through with it. One more day. Anyway, I've been hard at work. I finished a poem today, posted at the bottom of this post. This took up a large part of my day. School was short and full of tests. Sweet right.... Not really. I've also taken on the challenge of drawing a Seraphs. It's an Angel with 6 wings. 2 on it's face 2 on it's feet and 2 to fly. Interesting and odd. My mother asked my to create a picture of what I thought they looked like. So I plan too! Well I'm tried so I'll finish up early.

Shadows are her dress
they wrap around her close
they love her like a mother
and kiss her as a host
flowing like a river
dark in the night
her hair seems to flow
as a calm stream
then deadly like a storming sea
Her eyes shine like fire
in her mask upon her face
they dance with burning pleasure
and burning with rage
Her face is hidden
beneath her mask
it is made of smoke
of burned hope
her figure is flawless
her feet grace the floor
but the only skin shown
is her hands and her arms
her skin is soft
a warm blanket of love
that's what I hope
I die in her hug
her wings stretch high
dark in the sky
as black as the night
their covered in feathers
of mercy weather
she calls out our names
to care for use better
we come to her call
that's soft and lovely
music is roughly
compaired to this voice
as it is nothing in the lovely choice
you hear it at night
in your dreams as you sleep
you cuddle it closer and whisper

"Goddess Oh Goddess
I'm ready to leave
take me away
So I can always be"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Day

So it's been another day in high school life. Had a test today and I feel I did really well. It was for history and we had to write a paper on, What change the world during the course of what we learned this semester.... OH geez it's already been a semester! Dang school goes by fast. That's good. Anyway, I also work on a poem today, it's a description about how my OC The Goddess looks. She was really hard to describe as I have no idea what she looks like. It's more of a personal idea. I'm looking for an idea to draw which is turning out to be a real challenge. I just can't seem to come up with an idea in my range of artistic skill.

I also found out about the worst thing today. You can read about it hear. It saddens me to hear about it. So go and support it, I'll post a link to a facebook group on it soon.

So I got back from youth group not to long ago and it was really interesting. We talked about guarding your heart and turning from evil. They are different things but work together. It's an interesting lesson. I plan to start blogging about the Youth Group lessons every Wednesday to let you guess know what I'm learning about and can learn about it yourselves. Well that's enough for tonight. Blog you later! ~.0

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ah first day!

So as an artist and a newly found out poet, I decided I would blog to get some things out. I'll share my poems I could use some comments on and some pictures to. This blog is all about how I live and my life as an anime loving poet. I just found out about my ability to write some what good poems a few weeks back. I write them every so often to keep up the ability and help it grow. I've been drawing for a good 4 years, really getting into it at least. I think both the abilities I have are great for my age and I really hope to expand them and grow in the arts. I'm also a big video game nerd. I'm even into making them. I use a maker of course, RPG Maker VX. I plan as I get older to go into programing and develop games for some of the bigger companies. That's my dream. I also use a lot of roleplay these days. So you may see a post from one of my other selves. Crystal and a newly made Goddess are your most likely visitors. Well I think that's enough for a first post.

Post you later, Kl Slayer